Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week 1

Thanks guys I actually got quite a few in!
enjoy! :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Poll results/secrets/Eric's Birthday

So the votes on the poll ended up like this :@anthonyladao 31% @thomasaugusto 24% @ericsecharia 20% @ColtonSings 13% and @JoeyDiggs with 10% remember there were only 29 votes.. But stl congrats to anthony for being the winner of the, ' who would you date if you could' poll :)
I shall put up another one as soon as I think about it.

Still only have FOUR secrets still not enough, if you wanna see others your gunna have you send In your own as well. So jump on it lol :)
And Happy Belated Birthday to Eric Secharia :)
His birthday was on Jan21st! Make sure If you didn't already say it to him to say it to him now!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Today is Colton's birthday! Make Sure to say happy birthday to him :) ( HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLTON:) hope it was amazing)

And now on to the actual secrets. We still only have 4 secrets! In order to post I want to have at least ten! So please start making secrets, I mean they aren't going to make themselves.
So Say happy birthday to Colton and send me secrets! :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Okay guys so so far I only have one secret! I'm gunna need more then that if I wanna post them..
And don't forget to vote on the poll! I extended the amount if time due to lack of votes! Only 16 right now!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Secrets/New Years

Okay so everything has finally settled down! The website is pretty much done for now, and I also have a twitter that you should follow me on . Okay but now it's time for the secrets ! You can either send in secrets in two ways. 1) edit a photo with the secret and send it to my email 2) if your not in to editing but still feel like contributing you can just leave it on then from there on ill either leave them on there or post it on my Twitter!
Okay then let's start editing those photo's guys! :)

Also Happy New Year! Hope everyone succeeds in their resolutions, mine will be to make this site the best I can and support the guys to my fullest! Speaking of the guys, 2010 is definatley FLYTE's year! To check on updates go to!

Ps Dont forget to do the poll!